2018 SWCG Corn Hybrid and Soybean Variety Performance Test
Ag Lease 101
Ag Lease 101 helps both land owners and land operators learn about alternative lease arrangements and includes sample written lease agreements for several alternatives. Ag Lease 101 was created by and is maintained by the North Central Farm Management Extension Committee. Visit the Ag Lease 101 website at: http://aglease101.org/.
Cash Rents
Click here for 2018 land values and cash rents.
Crop Observation and Recommendation Network Newsletter (C.O.R.N.)
C.O.R.N. is a product of your Ohio State University Extension Agronomic Crops Team
Download our Crop Observation Recommendation Network Newsletter Promotional Flyer (PDF, 65.0 kb)
What you will find in the CORN Newsletter!
- In season pest observations and predictions
- Weed control options
- Insect and disease control information
- Production technology
- Crop development issues
- Timely Integrated Pest Management guidelines
Why C.O.R.N.?
The goal of C.O.R.N. is to provide Ohio's crop industry with the quickest, most accurate information to deal with changing crop conditions. C.O.R.N. is produced through a weekly telephone conference and sent via e-mail and fax to hundreds of Ohio farmers and input industry personnel. C.O.R.N. content is the basis for newsletters, and other mass media efforts in Extension. In one way or another, almost every crop producer in Ohio has been exposed to information from this newsletter.
The newsletter including back issues can be found on the web at the following URL address:http://corn.osu.edu.
Custom Rates
The custom rates reported in this publication are based on a statewide survey of 256 farmers, custom operators, farm managers and landowners conducted in 2018. These rates, except where noted, include the implement and tractor if required, all variable machinery costs such as fuel, oil, lube, twine etc., and the labor for the operation.
Enterprise Budgets
Click here for a listing of current Ohio Enterprise Budgets for crops and livestock.
Ohio Ag Manager
The goal of the Ohio Ag Manager Team is to provide agricultural businesses with timely management information dedicated to improving the efficiency and profitability of their farm enterprise. Focal issues areas discussed in the monthly electornic newsletter include financial, labor, legal, marketing and human resource development.
IIf you would like a specific question answered by our team, please send an email to ohioagmanagerinfo@ag.osu.edu
An electronic mailing list was established to allow audiences interested in agricultural management to receive news, information, and information from the team and other sources. For More Information Contact Chris Bruynis or David Marrison.